Associations Check your professional associations for information on salary and compensation information.
Cityrating.com,www.cityrating.com. Web site for searching information on potential or actual relocations for career or other considerations. Good for identifying such as cost-of-living comparisons.
CNNMoney www.CNNMoney.com offers information on cost-of-living comparisons for consideration of relocation, or for transitioning out of the service. Additional sources include the community Chambers of Commerce.
Computer World www.computerworld.com offers an annual salary survey for the basic career fields in the IT community. It is the most current and accurate of the posted Surveys.
*Glassdoor.com www.glassdoor.com is in effect a member of the Wikipedia concept where individuals post pros and cons of working there as well as salary information anonymously. Additionally, information on the employer, and resources is also available. A particular Interview area of interest is the posting of questions asked by employees and potential employees and the responses often given. Another useful source is LinkedIn. A strong cautionary note: Wired magazine has recently (June 2018) has offered heavy concern as to the salary information offered by Glassdoor. Wired has indicated that salary positing are Low.
Guide Star.org www.GuideStar.org is the National Database of Nonprofit Organizations. Outstanding resource for financial information on nonprofits.
Jobstar.org www.jobstar.org offers government, nonprofit and other salary survey sources.
Payscale.com www.payscale.com is newer than Salary.com but worth checking when looking for information on compensation.
Salary Calculators www.salarycalculators.com. Most of the better job sites have salary calculators. This includes Monster, and the Wall Street Journal.
Salary Information www.payscale.com. See Payscale.com above.: www.salarycalculator.com.
Salary.com www.salary.com. Salary data and indicators of what one should be earning based on functional area of experience.
The Wall Street Journal www.wsj.com offers salary information and surveys. However, be careful with the survey information. Look for the date of the survey and then add a year for proximity to accuracy –due to the low COLA adjustments and lower salary increases in many instances.
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics www.bls.gov offers numerous resources including compensation by position and range. Check its Occupational Outlook Handbook and its other links
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