Wednesday, September 30, 2020
Information Technology Specialist – Iraq

Building Better Mental Health Webinar
Please share the upcoming West Hills College Lemoore: Building Better Mental Health Webinar with your community members and student veterans.
Join CalTAP and West Hills College Lemoore from 10-11AM or 1-2PM on Wednesday, September 30, 2020 for a Building Better Health webinar. A US Vets Outside the Wire guest speaker will highlight the importance of mental health during the COVID 19 pandemic. Register below:
Alyssa R. Albright
Manager, Transition Assistance Program (CalTAP)
California Department of Veterans Affairs
Cell: (916) 809-0016
Tuesday, September 29, 2020
Medical Healthcare Careers for NATO Nations

K9 Veterinarian & Veterinarian Technician

Caliburn Global Medical Services
Foreign National Operating Room Technician

Monday, September 28, 2020
Free Resume Video
Mission Hire Me in partnership with FourBlock.org is a non-profit service that produces remotely shot professional video introductions to employers for veterans and military spouses to enhance their application profile.
Our service includes mentoring and an interview prep course all at no charge. We have openings for 35 people over the next 60 days.
If you are currently looking for a job and are interested in participating please contact us at contact@missionhireme.com
Bill Barnett
926 Ventures
818 789 8399
818 618 1149
Thursday, September 24, 2020
Abbreviated version of the Federal Resume Journey from Application to Hire
Military-Civilian Testimonial
Response on Military-Civilian Job Posting 9/24/20
Seeking Flight Nurses, Flight Medics, Critical Care Nurses all USA locations
Dear Lucy,
I wanted to thank you for forwarding my CV/credentials to Life Flight logistics. The ladies at LF have been in touch; very positive conversation.
Thought you would like to know and extend my gratitude.
Kind regards,
Wednesday, September 23, 2020
Monday, September 21, 2020
SET Career and Internship Virtual Fair
There is still time to register for the SET Career and Internship Virtual Fair. This is a two-day event, and employers can choose to attend one or both days.
Thursday, September 24: 9 am - 3 pm
Friday, September 25: 12 pm - 6 pm
Upon registration, we’ll review the details you submitted for approval, and there is no cost to attend.
Create your own schedule based on your availability to conduct:
● Group meetings with up to fifty students
● 1:1 meetings scheduled in advance or after a group session
We look forward to your participation.
Please email tdokes@stmarytx.edu with any questions.
Tianna Dokes
Assistant Director of Employer
STRIVE Career Center
Transformative Results from Innovative Vocational Experiences
The Catholic and
Marianist University
One Camino Santa Maria
San Antonio, Texas 78228
Employer Access
http://stmuconnect.com - Alumni