Friday, August 30, 2013

Questions about veteran's who are job hunting.

Survey of military personnel transitioning to civilian jobs

1.       What is the most important factor in your job search:
a.       Location
b.      Job type
c.       Pay
d.      Other______________

2.       If location is #1, do you want to
a.       Go home (why?)
b.      Stay near your base (why?)
c.       Go where your spouse is?
d.      Go anywhere that has a lot of employment opportunities
e.      Other_______________

3.       If job type is #1, what kind of job are you looking for?
4.       Are you REALLY open to moving wherever you can find a job?
5.       Would you move to city where you don’t know anyone?
a.       Yes
b.      No
c.       Depends on the job and only if it pays well
6.       Are you enlisted or an officer?
7.       Do you have a spouse and/or kids?
8.       Are you interested in factory jobs, skilled trades, or professional jobs?
9.       How helpful was TAP or TAMP for you
a.       Very
b.      Somewhat
c.       Not so much
d.      Didn’t really use it
10.   What sources are you using to look for work?
11.   How often do you look at the state employment sites for job postings?
a.       Always (shy?)
b.      Never (why not?)
c.       Sometimes (why?)

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