Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Wreaths of America - 12/16/24

Place Wreaths

Saturday, December 16th

Each December on National Wreaths Across America Day, our mission to Remember, Honor and Teach is carried out by coordinating wreath-laying ceremonies at more than 4,000+ locations in all 50 U.S. states, at sea and abroad. Anyone who wants to offer a small gesture of gratitude for the freedoms Americans enjoy can volunteer at a wreath laying ceremony to assist in saying veteran names aloud and thanking them for their service.

When you volunteer at a cemetery near you on National Wreaths Across America Day, you’ll play a valuable role by placing live, balsam veterans' wreaths on the headstones of our fallen heroes. For centuries, fresh evergreens have been used as a symbol of honor and have served as a living tribute renewed annually. Wreaths Across America believes the tradition represents a living memorial that honors veterans, active-duty military, and their families. When each wreath is placed the servicemember's name is said out loud, ensuring their memory lives on.

For more inforamtion click here

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