Thursday, November 12, 2020

Transitioning from the military? Here are some tips you may want to consider.

VETERANS, SPOUSES AND ALL OTHER JOB SEEKERS.... Tip 2 down applies to you too! 
1. Attend the TAP Class. You can do it multiple times
2. Register with the local workforce in the state or states where you want to reside
3. Do a master resume with everything on it. You won’t ever give this in an application but use it as a reference to create targeted resumes for job applications
4. Do targeted job searches. Look for companies you want to work for with jobs you qualify to do. There is no one size fits all. Really do some soul searching and decide if the job is something you WANT to do long term before applying.
5. Don’t get upset when you get rejected. Take it as a learning experience and move on.
6. Be realistic about what you’re worth. What you bring to the table should be worth 110% of the pay you’re expecting. The company will barely pay for 100% skill set so you have to over exceed their expectations. You’ll move up fast this way and more companies will want you. You may have to start low but again you’ll move up fast.
7. Always know who your company’s competitors are. This comes in handy once you’re working for them. You can either use it as leverage to move up or take your skills elsewhere and move on.
8. Be flexible. This means you may have to work in a state that you don’t want too or do a job you don’t 100% love to start but it will help you grow and eventually land soft.

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