Thursday, November 5, 2020

Medi-Cal Screening


Medi-Cal screening

·        If a veteran has a disability, Homeless or Low income they may be eligible for Medi-cal.

·        Medi-Cal is a program that offers free or low-cost health coverage for children and adults with limited income and resources. If you qualify, you can enroll in Medi-Cal year-round.

Some basic services include:

 ·        Outpatient (ambulatory) services.

·        Emergency services

·        Long Term Care - Skilled nursing or intermediate care

·        Hospitalization

·        Mental health and substance use disorder services, including behavioral health treatment.

·        Prescription drugs

·        Programs such as physical and occupational therapy (known as rehabilitative and habilitative services) and devices.

·        Laboratory services.

·        Preventive and wellness services and chronic disease management.

·        Dental


ARE You Eligible?


Age 65 and older, blind, or disabled. Under former rules still in effect, Californians who are at least 65, blind, or disabled can qualify for Medi-Cal coverage if they have either:

A low income and few assets and savings

Personal resources reduced due to health care expenses

Income limit. This Medi-Cal income limit is calculated as a percentage related to federal poverty guidelines, which change every year. The current limit is about $1,188 monthly for an individual and $1,603 for a couple.

Asset limit. Individuals may own assets not worth more than $2,000; married couples may own $3,000 worth. But not all assets are included in the count. Exempt assets include:

A primary home

One vehicle

Household items

Personal belongings including clothing, heirlooms, and wedding and engagement rings

Burial plots and any money in a designated burial plan fund

Life insurance policies and the balance of pension funds, IRAs, and certain annuities.

 ***Please don’t refer veteran’s 70 -100% SC





















o Veterans Income is low

o Does veteran have an ID (if not, encourage to obtain a VA  ID)

o Proof of where you live

o Bank account statements

o Income verification

o Car registration



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