Thursday, October 8, 2020

QPR Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper Training Military Focus and General Training Military Focus



QPR Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper Training Military Focus and General training 23 OCT 2020 & 6 NOV 2020

QPR suicide prevent ion gatekeeper training;  November 6th 9-11;30 am is the training. This training will  focus on military population.

QPR stands for Question, Persuade, and Refer - the 3 simple steps anyone can learn to help save a life from suicide.

Become a Q.P.R. Gatekeeper today!

 What is a Gatekeeper?

According to the Surgeon General’s National Strategy for Suicide Prevention (2001),

a gatekeeper is someone in a position to recognize a crisis and the warning signs

that someone may be contemplating suicide.

Gatekeepers can be anyone, including parents, friends, neighbors, teachers, ministers, doctors, nurses, office supervisors, squad leaders, foremen, police officers, advisors, caseworkers, firefighters, and many others who are strategically positioned to recognize and refer someone at risk of suicide. (QPR Institute, n.d.).

The link to register for the training is:

 Linda Murphy, MS, Supervisor

Family Resource Center

Military Services & Family Support

58945 Business Center Drive, Suite D

Yucca Valley, Ca.  92284

Phone: 760-228-9657

Cell: 626-348-4619

Fax: 760-365-2072 


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