Monday, February 11, 2019

Indiana veteran finally gets to adopt military dog 5 years after they served together

Indiana veteran finally gets to adopt military dog 5 years after they served together
Posted 8:01 am, February 5, 2019, by Kylee Wiecks, Updated at 08:03AM, February 5, 2019

Photo of U.S. Army veteran Joe Steenbeke with military dog Tess in Afghanistan (Credit: Reunite Joe and Tess, Facebook)

CULVER, Ind. – An Indiana veteran who spent the past five years trying to reunite with his military dog is finally back with her for good.

Joe Steenbeke, 28, just adopted Tess, an 11-year-old Belgian Malinois.

Steenbeke is a former Army TEDD (Tactical Explosive Detector Dog) handler. He served in Afghanistan from May 2012 to February 2013 with Tess R533, his bomb-sniffing partner
At the end of the program, Tess was converted to a Patrol Explosive Detection Dog (PEDD). Steenbeke only had a few minutes to say goodbye to Tess before she went on to serve for the Connecticut National Guard.

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