Friday, April 17, 2015

Temp Period - Free book - Powerhouse Military Book Exposes Giant Economic Opportunity

Powerhouse Military Book Exposes Giant Economic Opportunity
"The New Business Brigade: Veterans Dynamic Impact on US Business"
I wanted to thank everyone for the support for my book the "The New Business Brigade." The premise of the book is why businesses need to hire veterans and the untapped resource they represent. This country must realize at no other time in history since WWII, have so many talented men and women been returning from foreign wars and reintegrating into the workforce.  The question, will today's business owners and CEO's recognize and seize this valuable American asset?
In my book "The New Business Brigade,” I believe America's best days lie still ahead of us and the key to reaching America's true promise is to tap into her greatest overlooked natural resource; returning veterans!
In case you haven’t had the chance to purchase a copy, right now working with Amazon for three days complementary digital copies are available to the public on April 17th through April 19th.
Get your copies now and help spread the word! When you read it leave a book review on Amazon letting everyone else know what valuable resources veterans are, and how they can transform America!
John Ubaldi
"Ubaldi Reports"

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