Wednesday, April 29, 2015

SISFI's How to Help Someone in Emotional Crisis/Distress Workshop and Males Health

SISFI and The Suicide Prevention Institute in collaboration with The Carlos L. González Counseling Center invites you to a Suicide Awareness and Prevention Workshop on “How to Help Someone in Emotional Crisis/Distress” on Wednesday April 29th, 2015 at 6pm at Hostos Community College, 500 Grand Concourse, Bronx, NY, 10451. The workshop will address how to help someone who is developing an emotional crisis, or is in distress and wanting to hurt or kill themselves, or struggling with the loss of a loved one. This is a very scary, emotional and uncomfortable issue that as much as you many not want to face it you never know how one day you will be faced with it and have to deal with it. Just like CPR training it's important to know how to address emergency and crisis of the heart and mind.

The workshop will be facilitated by Mr. Brett A. Scudder, Suicide Behavioral Response Director/Trainer at SISFI and The Suicide Prevention Institute.

So join us to learn about:

What do you do when someone says "I'm hurting so badly I just want to die", or, I'm tired of living and I'm going to kill myself".

What do you do when someone you love attempts to kill themself and survived and you now have to help and support them?

What do you do when you're feeling like giving up and don't see the values of living because your circumstances overwhelms you?

The workshop is FREE to the public and all are invited to attend. Seating is limited so attendees must register here Please share with anyone who may be in crisis, is suffering in distress or has lost a loved one to suicide or violence.


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