Friday, January 30, 2015

Veterans: One of the Greatest Untapped Human Resources

Veterans: One of the Greatest Untapped Human Resources

Throughout history, veterans have proved to be tremendous economic drivers as both employees and employers. Veterans possess numerous qualities that translate success in today’s workforce. The reasons why veterans make outstanding employees and business owners are numerous, but here we will focus on three proven battleground qualities.


The notion of resiliency refers to one’s ability to cope with, adapt to, and overcome challenges. History has proved that veterans have frequently triumphed over great adversity, which has translated into relentless pursuit to problem solving while on the job. For example, veterans have experience in mission critical situations which demand endurance, stamina, and flexibility. Some have overcome personal disabilities through strength and determination. This type of perseverance and adaptation are easily transferable qualities that are rare to find and certainly complimentary to any employer.

Technology and Globalization

Because of their experiences in the service, veterans are usually aware of international and technical trends pertinent to business and industry. They can bring the kind of global outlook and technological savvy that all enterprises of any size need to succeed. It is not uncommon for veterans to have been exposed to highly advanced technology and technology training. Veterans have the ability to utilize this type of technical training work experience to leverage knowledge across numerous disciplines at work while applying technology based solutions to different types of organizational challenges. In addition, veterans possess the intangible quality of an accelerated learning curve.


The notion of relentless teamwork is frequently correlated to the military veteran, but perhaps not fully explored. Military duties involve a blend of individual and group initiatives. As a result, veterans understand how genuine collaboration grows from mutual respect and a sense of responsibility for one’s colleague. Incorporating attention to detail while working in groups of all sizes is a very important attribute which saves time and money. In addition, understanding the broader vision of how each piece of the puzzle directly relates to an overarching objective is a powerful quality of veterans. Having gained a unique perspective on the value of accountability, veterans have an understanding of their place within an organizational framework.

 Where Can I tap into this talent?

Veterans Employment Center (VEC): One-Stop-Shop Connects Veterans, Transitioning Service Members, and their Spouses to Employers.

VEC is the first government-wide project that brings together a reputable cadre of public and private employers with real job opportunities, provides tools to translate military skills into plain language, and helps build a profile that can be shared – in real time – with employers. The Veterans Employment Center, an integrated, online tool connecting veterans, transitioning service members and their spouses with both public and private-sector employers, is the result of an interagency effort to improve, simplify and consolidate the current array of employment resources for veterans. Additionally, this will provide one comprehensive database of resumes for employers who are seeking to leverage the skills and talents of veterans, service members, and their spouses.

The VEC is an excellent resource for employers seeking Veteran talent and can help employers:

  • Make a public commitment to hire Veterans
  • Post job opportunities
  • Search resumes to quickly identify the right candidates
  • Download tools like the Guide to Hiring Veterans to learn how to find and hire veterans and support their success in the workplace
  • Make an Employer Commitment on the VEC – Launch your public relations campaign    to hire veterans
Registration for The Veterans Employment Center can be found at:

For a tutorial video on how to use the Veterans Employment Center, please visit:

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