Wednesday, September 3, 2014


Business 101 Course Offered to Transitioning Officers and Senior NCOs

September 29 through October 2, 2014 at Camp Pendleton

Career Officers and SNCOs who are transitioning into the private sector are urged to register for MEA-West’s Business 101 to learn the employment skills to succeed in civilian business… a world far different from military culture. “Entering civilian employment was scarier to me than flying in combat. Business 101 takes the scary out,” per one transitioning Colonel.

In Business 101 you will learn all about civilian business… its unique language, the modern business culture, contemporary perceptions of military personnel, goals and metrics, job success tools, your new challenges, and civilian business expectations. This is your preparation for better interviews and a more successful career transition. It is taught at the graduate school level and dovetails with MEA’s “25+” program where resume preparation and interview skills are taught.

Our course helps you understand how your unique military skills translate into civilian business roles. It helps bridge the gap between what career veterans offer and how businesses perceive your marketable skills. It is short on theory and long on practical business applications. There is no cost to participate since the course is taught by volunteer senior business executives in appreciation for your sacrifices and supported by MCCS. Attire is business casual.

Business 101 is a retirement preparation program sponsored by MEA-West. It is targeted to help all transitioning or retired career Military Officers and SNCOs from all military services to understand what they need to know to succeed in civilian employment. Some call it “Boots to Suits.”

Spouses are cordially invited to participate.

September 29 through October 2, 2014
0800 to 1700
Camp Pendleton’s Pacific Views Event Center

To register go to

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