Thursday, August 7, 2014

How Recruiters Review Your Resume

 How Recruiters Review Your Resume

Good afternoon everyone,

I hope all is well.  Over the past week a major concern of career seekers
has come to my attention.  It appears that applicants are being overlooked
for career opportunities.  Here is what the problem is: as applicants, you
are not grabbing the attention of the recruiter as you should.

Recruiters take approximately 10 seconds to scan your resume.  They are
looking for what qualifies you to work in that position.  If you have ever
paid attention to how private sector position descriptions are formulated,
you will find that 95% of the place the qualifications at the bottom.  The
first 10 seconds of your resume will list your qualifications (Google resume

Your job on your resume is to give the recruiter for any position that you
are applying for the reason to go beyond their 10 second review.  Think of
like this, you're at home watching television.  You're going through
channels.  You may stop and read a description or something on the screen
may prompt you to continue watching.  Recruiters do the same with resumes.


Richard Moore
Personal & Professional Development Program Instructor
Religious and Family Service Annex
3019 Embry Loop, RM 135
MCB Quantico, VA 22134

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