Thursday, July 3, 2014

2014 Sacramento Stand Down Announcement

Sacramento Stand Down Association
P.O. Box 601536
Sacramento, CA  95860-1536

Do you want to help homeless veterans?
 Do you know someone who has or is serving our country in the military?  Can you imagine what you would think if they were homeless?  Most Americans would find the situation of homeless veterans to be mentally and emotionally jarring.  
 If you feel like most Americans, the Sacramento Stand Down needs your help.
 For the past 22 years, approximately 350 homeless veterans have received vital assistance at the Sacramento Stand Down on a three-day weekend in mid-September.
 A “stand down” is a historic military term for a place behind the front lines of combat where an exhausted war fighter gets medical attention, hot meals, and sleeps off the ground while temporarily recuperating from the rigors of military conflict.
 The Sacramento Stand Down is similar to the “stand downs” in prior wars, this time with veterans receiving vital services while sheltered from the hostilities of street.
 We have a goal of finding up to 925 volunteers to operate a three-day Stand Down.  There are many different jobs during the year as well as a wide variety of four-to-eight hour shifts on September 11 – 14 (Thursday – Sunday).
 If you would like to help us achieve our Vision:  End Homelessness for Veterans in Sacramento County, please go to our new website at and click on Registration Forms in blue ink on the upper-right side of the page to select your choice of (1) an electronic form which can be emailed out our inbox where it will be checked daily, or (2) a .pdf form which you can print out for inputting your information and mail it to our snail mail box (SSDA, PO Box 601536, Sacramento, CA 95860-1536).  We will be in touch with you about your job interests and time(s) you are able to serve.
 If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact either:
    Bud Lee, Secretary of the Board of Directors at 916-774-9744 or , or
    Mike Montogomery, SSDA Volunteer Coordinator at 916-746-4701 or

Bud Lee, Secretary
Sacramento Stand Down Association

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