Monday, April 28, 2014

Military Connections is a non-profit organization that sends care packages to Service Members stationed overseas.

Adopt a Care Package

Military Connections is a non-profit organization that sends care packages to Service Members stationed overseas.  Over 2000 troops are on our mailing list and we need your support!  You can adopt a package to be sent to one of our men or women for a donation of $10.00.  Simply fill out the bottom of the form and return it along with your donation to Military Connections.

Your donation enables our organization to fill a care package with food, snacks, and healthcare supplies.  A note will be included in your package to let your Soldier, Marine, Sailor, or Airman know that you adopted their package.  Care Packages are a great morale booster for the troops! 

Thank you for your support!  Check out more ways to support our troops at

Adopt a Package Donor Form

Your Name:_________________________________________

Your Address:_________________________________________________________________________________________________

Message for the Troops:______________________________________________________________________________________

Return This Form and Donation to:
Military Connections
312 Auburn Street
PGH, PA 15235  USA

Until the Last One Comes Home

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