Friday, February 14, 2014

The "Teufelshunde" Project Proving quality therapy for our Veterans

I NEED EVERYONE’S HELP, PLEASE… The Teufelshunde Project is “RAFFLING OFF” a brand new PlayStation 4 in order to raise enough money to provide “Workshops” to empower our Veterans within their personal and professional lives; furthermore, provide quality therapy for our Veterans, who are suffering from PTSD due to “SEXUAL ASSAULT” and “WAR TRAUMA”, this summer. However, The Teufelshunde Project needs to sell at least 10 thousand tickets in order to have enough proceeds to continue our services, without any cost to our Veterans. These are services that go far beyond anything the VA could provide our Service Men and Women, this is one Veteran helping others but I need everyone’s help. There are 300,000 unreported cases of PTSD due to “War Trauma” and thousands more in regards to unreported sexual assault while on Active Duty (Reports by Department of Defense and Veteran Affairs Office). Plus, thousands of Veterans are struggling to find and maintain employment… The Teufelshunde Project is providing solutions for our Veteran Community related to these issues; however, we can’t do it alone and we need everyone’s help to be successful. But, everyone has to follow the link to our site and purchase a ticket for this to be possible. Please, share this link with everyone you know on Facebook, tell them how to purchase a ticket, and have all of them spread the word… CROWD FUNDRAISING EVERYONE IT WORKS, BUT TAKE % MINUTES TODAY AND PLEASE HELP US.

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