Saturday, November 23, 2013

This Weekend

Hi everyone--

We have just two weekends left to put together our greatest effort yet in brightening the spirits of our brave troops over the Christmas season.   Think for a moment about what your emotions might be like if you were deployed at this time of year.   We can actually make a difference by letting the troops know that they are loved, appreciated and that we are praying for them!

PLEASE don't let yourselves be left out of the campaign.   Here are ways in which you can still contribute:
1.   Please continue to pray for our troops and their families.
2.   Please take a look at the attached schedule and join us at the booth in the courtyard.  We need more help, and it's a lot of fun!
3.   Please join us on Dec. 4 at the packing party.  So many have said they are coming, but so few have emailed me to confirm.
4.   Bring a box or loose product of the kinds of things the troops cherish.  The flier with the list is attached.
5.   Write a check to assist with postage costs.   Make it out to "Bayside" and write "military" on the line in the lower left corner.

Thanks and blessings to all,

Greg Van Dusen
Van Dusen Strategies

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