Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Operation Wounded Warrior

Operation Wounded Warrior (OWW) is a program of Duane Ellsworth Post 129 in Queen Creek, Arizona.  We receive support from several other Legion post as well as the Sons of the American Legion, American Legion Riders, VFW, Businesses, Municipalities and individuals.

We work directly with the Armed Services YMCA based at Balboa Naval Hospital, they are the hands on relationship we have with the troops.  Currently there are wounded troops at the four major hospitals that we service; Balboa Naval Hospital, Camp Pendleton, Fort Irwin and 29 Palms, however when there is a troop in need our items have even gone to Hawaii. Without the help from the YMCA we would not be able to reach the wounded troops the way we do.  The Wounded Warrior Battalion at Camp Pendleton is the headquarters for all wounded West of the Mississippi River, excluding Texas.  Thankfully the American Legion Riders from New Mexico and Texas has continued supporting Texas Hospitals.

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