Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Veterans Cruise – Central Florida

Please consider forwarding this email to every veteran, veterans group, or corporate sponsor that you know.  This is great project that has been undertaken by the veterans of Central Florida.  We are attempting to raise enough funds to book an entire cruise ship.  Currently we have 500 staterooms blocked out of 1100.  This program is designed to specifically help Central Florida reservists returning from Afghanistan and Iraq.  These men and women face unique challenges when they return home.  Many, if not most, have lost their jobs due to the economic downturn.  This cruise will provide them with the opportunity to reunite with their spouse, boyfriend/girlfriend, and family without the worries of paying for this well needed vacation.  if we can book the entire ship the US military has promised several special attractions for the ship.  If the entire ship can be filled with veterans and their families then the Navy will provide a nuclear sub as an escort out of Port Canaveral; the Air Force will provide a flyover of F-16’s; General Norman Schwarzkopf has agreed to be the keynote speaker (for free); Adrian Cronauer (Good Morning Vietnam) has also offered to be a guest entertainer.  We are working on other attractions/events, but they are dependent upon booking the entire ship.

The event listed below is only one of several we have planned.  However, it is the largest and has the potential to raise the largest donations.  Even if you can’t make it to the event please consider donating $15 (or more) to help send our fellow vets on a cruise.  More information on the “Thank You Veteran’s Cruise” can be found at:  http://www.thankyouveteranscruise.org/  If you desire to go on this unique cruise with us please book through the website listed above.

Semper Fi


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