Monday, July 16, 2012


Veterans Helping Veterans
VA Mortgage Help Center has partnered with Nationwide Lenders that believe in Giving back to our Veterans for all your service to our country and our way of life. They agree to abide by our rules for helping Veterans obtain and retain Home Ownership. All Fees associated with a Purchase or Refinance Mortgage must be paid by the Lender so the Veteran will not have any fees associated with the Mortgage.

FEES Covered by Lender may Include but are not limited to:

Under Writing fees
Processing Fees
Set up Fees
Wire Fees
Locking Fees
Title Company Closing Fees
Title Company Insurance Fees
Transfer Fees
Recording Fees

We also work with Sellers Agents to get Seller contributions when needed for additional help.

These fees can add up to a few Thousand Dollars that have in the past kept many Veterans from being able to Realize Home Ownership or prevented us from being able to Refinance into today's much better Rates for a much needed monthly Savings.
There is NEVER a Fee or cost of any kind to Pre-Qualify for this Program.

Simply Fill out your contact information on the next page and a best time to call or email you. We will be happy to answer any questions you may have and let you know exactly what we are able to do and how much you can start saving:

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