Monday, April 9, 2012

Mortgage-Free Homes to Wounded Heroes

Military Warriors Support Foundation awards mortgage-free homes to wounded heroes injured during combat in Iraq and Afghanistan. The homes are for families who have severe and/or unique circumstances due to their injuries received while serving our country. In addition to the home, the families will receive 3 years of family and financial mentoring.
Who Can Apply:
1. Must be a combat wounded veteran of Iraq or Afghanistan. (Purple Heart recipient preferred)
2. Must be already retired or separated from the military. (Those with compelling situations, whom are less than 30 days from retirement or separation may be considered)
3. Must not currently have a mortgage.

How To Apply:
1. Review Available Homes below that are currently open to applications. Click on the picture of the home to see more photos and details about the home.
2. If you are interested in applying for the home, click “Apply Now” to download the application and for directions on how to submit your application. Applications MUST be submitted in either Microsoft Word or PDF formats. (Word format preferred) If you have filled out an application for a previous home, be sure to download the most current application to verify that you have the most updated version.
3. Home recipient is typically selected within 3-4 weeks of closing date.

Please check back regularly as new homes will be posted as they become available. Each home will be open to applications for 10 days*, starting from the initial posting date. Once the final closing date has been reached, the MWSF Review Board will review all applications. Once the Review Board makes their final decision, the wounded warrior will be contacted and an announcement will be posted on the website. Thank you for applying and for your service to our country!

 * MWSF reserves the right to extend application periods as needed.

For more information please visit

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