Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Testimonial February 15th 2012

Ms. Lucy Jensen,

It was a pleasure talking to you this morning.  Thank you for confirming the availability of these overseas positions.

I, David Jackson, am interested in the FAV/LAV Armor/Vehicle Techs - Afghanistan #221066.  I received the job announcement from the Fort Meade ACAP Center in Maryland.

I believe I would be a good candidate for this position because I match some of your qualifications such as:

•             Take charge professional with more than 20 years of military experience, leadership and training
•             Completed 4 tours in Iraq
•             Passed pre-deployment medical screenings
•             Possess at least 1 year of overseas experience performing as FAV/LAV

I look forward to hearing from you pertaining to the FAV/LAV Armor/Vehicle Tech position.

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