Friday, February 17, 2012

Free veterans benefits seminar: Mar. 3 (Colorado Springs, CO)

Free veterans benefits seminar highlights event weekend
Who:    Sunridge independent retirement community
What:   Star-Spangled Weekend featuring a free seminar on available veterans benefits
When:  March 2-4
Where: Sunridge, located at 5820 Flintridge Drive in Colorado Springs
Sunridge independent retirement community, located at 5820 Flintridge Drive in Colorado Springs, is celebrating the 81st anniversary of the Star-Spangled Banner with a weekend of free events for local seniors.
The main event is a free veterans benefits seminar on March 3 at 10 a.m. The seminar is designed to educate local veterans and surviving spouses about the Department of Veterans Affairs’ Aid and Attendance program. Many veterans and spouses are unaware they may qualify for as much as $2,019 because of their wartime service.
The seminar will offer details about the history of Aid and Attendance, outline the requirements to qualify for this tax-free benefit, and educate applicants about the needed documentation. VA planning specialists will also be available to provide a free prequalification interview for anyone interested in applying.
This benefit, one of the VA’s most overlooked, is primarily designed for veterans 65 and older who have served anywhere in the world or on the home front during World War II, the Korean Conflict or the Vietnam War. Veterans are not required to have wartime injuries in order to qualify. Learn more at
Other weekend events include a Stars and Stripes celebration with complimentary refreshments on March 2 at 2 p.m., and a Red, White and Blue party with cake provided for all guests on March 4 at 2 p.m.

To RSVP, or to learn more, please call Sunridge at 719-590-1247.

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