Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Vets on Set

The founding members of Vets On Set have a long and successful history in the entertainment industry. We will work hard to utilize the knowledge, experience, and contacts gained to ensure consistent employment for our members and valuable, outstanding crews for our clients.

Our aim is to not only to place industry qualified individuals into the most suitable positions on a crew, but to help foster careers for veterans looking to explore new professional avenues. Vets On Set will assist in training and education programs, as well as provide resources and information for veterans looking to start in the industry.

Getting Hired

There is a California program that helps employers with a significant tax break for hiring veterans. It is Called the Enterprise Zone. There are 48 Enterprise zones in California. We will soon have all the maps and letters listed here on the site. In the mean time, If you are a veteran that is applying for a job in the Hollywood or SF Valley area, please follow these instructions:

1st. Verify that you were honorably discharged from service in the past four years or you served in the Vietnam era.
2nd. Print the map of Hollywood, These maps can be found on the employer benefit page. This will inform the employer that they are in the Enterprise Zone. Hollywood & Valley Map  http://bit.ly/wPEtxU
3rd. Print the Cover letter from Vets On Set. This will instruct the Employer about the great advantages for hiring a veteran. Cover Letter Here  http://bit.ly/yj09Hd
4th. Staple the Package together with your resume.
5th. If the employer has any questions regarding the Enterprise Zone, have them contact Dave Rosen – dave.r@vetsonset.com

To view all careers opportunities please view our Job Board at: http://vetsonset.com/job-board.

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