Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Invisible Injuries of the Brain - A poem You May Share

Friends and family all say I look the same I must be fine,
I feel like an invisible injury is akin to committing some crime.

I cannot see how your brain works but I know it is still intact,
Mine just is not anymore and that reality should be our known fact.

I know you can not see me manually process, while your brain whizzes away,
It’s one of the reasons no matter what you ask me, I will smile and say I am OK.

This secret that I try and live with has taken quite a great toll on me,
I would not wish a brain injury on anyone, it is one of life’s harshest fees.

I wish I could ask you to just give me a small, tiny break,
Those are the wishes I think about while you’re all sleeping soundly and I still lay awake.

The meaning of invisible, according to Webster’s is “hidden from others view”,
I assure you the change in me is much more than I would ever want for you.

If you care anything at all about me, please educate yourself on invisible injuries,
Without your education, isolation has at times been my preferential way to be.

Do not ever think you would not notice even a few IQ points drop,
You would notice because it would somehow alter almost everything you knew and thought.

When it comes to any brain injury there is never anything easy about it,
I just wish my friends and family would educate themselves so I could again feel like I fit.

Debbie Wilson
Debbie Wilson’s Family Brain Injury Blog

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