Thursday, November 10, 2011

Get a veterans discount from Verizon Wireless

Here's how to save some money on your Verizon Wireless (Vzw) bill every month. Just in case you didn't know, Vzw offers veterans a monthly discount of 15% off your voice plan and 12% off your data plan. And accessories are 25% off. Here's how it works. Let's say that you and your non-veteran spouse have a $70 family plan and you each have smartphones with $30 data plans each. If you are the primary account holder then your part of the voice plan is $60 and your spouse's is $10. You get $9 (15%) off plus another $3.60 (12% of your data plan) off every month for a total monthly savings of $12.60. If your non-veteran spouse is the primary account holder, change it to your name first to reap the maximum in savings. Call Vzw (the number is on your bill) to get a form and fax (or mail) it with a copy of your DD214 and start saving money.

I don't know if the other big carriers (AT&T, Sprint and T-Mobile) have similar veterans discounts, but it would not surprise me if they do as well. If you're not with Vzw, call your cell phone carrier and inquire as to whether they have a veteran's discount. If you find one, please post the details here.

For Verizon, this pertains to just Vzw, not land lines, TV or Internet.

Happy Veterans Day on Friday. Remember to put out your flag(s).

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