Thursday, November 17, 2011

2012 Wounded Warrior Employment Conference: "Employment...A Pathway To Independence"


2012 Wounded Warrior Employment Conference: "Employment...A Pathway To Independence"

The four military services wounded warrior programs (US Army Wounded Warrior Program-AW2, Navy Safe Harbor, the Wounded Warrior Regiment, and the Air Force Wounded Warrior Program) are co-hosting the 2012 Wounded Warrior Hiring Conference at the Ft. Belvoir Officers Club on February 28 and 29, 2012.

The conference will be built upon the very successful 2011 Wounded Warrior Federal Employment Conference held last year, of which many of you attended. That conference served as the first opportunity for a meeting between the newly created Veteran Employment Program Managers, EEO Managers, HR organizations, and the four service wounded warrior programs.

Once again, the four military service wounded warrior programs will meet with key stakeholders in the federal agencies. This year, private industry and non-federal government organizations are invited to also join us. We want to continue to cooperatively support employment related topics, issues and problem resolution, and best practices. We also want to develop innovative solutions to meet the intentions of various Presidential Executive Orders and employment campaigns by increasing the awareness of our programs and doing what we can to get severely wounded, ill, and injured post 9-11 Veterans into the 21st century workforce.

The conference this year will continue to focus on employment issues which our population of disabled Veterans, soon to be separated servicemembers, and their Family members continue to face in a changing economy.

The conference will include presentations on traumatic brain injury (TBI), post-traumatic stress (PTS), Making a Wounded Warrior Hire a Successful
Hire, equal employment opportunity (EEO) Hiring/Employment Issues, and Wounded Warrior's Spouse Employment.

The conference theme will be "Employment...A Pathway to Independence." Key to the theme will be discussion of changes that may be necessary to improve
the hiring and retention of our disabled Veterans. One such key discussion point will be the presentation of 16 action items that were the derived results of a Lean Six Sigma facilitated, multi-agency "wounded warrior Hiring Rate Improvement Team" work group formed after the 2011 conference.

The afternoon of the second day will again provide a four-hour opportunity for "employment ready" Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine wounded warriors and Family members to network with conference attendees and offer resumes in a job fair style format. This year, we will provide copies of wounded warrior
resumes from all over the United States to all hiring agencies and businesses who participate in the networking session.

If your organization is interested in participating please respond, by email to, with WWEC in the subject line, and include the information requested below, NLT December 15, 2011:

        Organization/Business Name:
        Are you interested in providing career, job search and/or education counseling/small group training at future Wounded Warrior Events?

 The information provided will be used for planning purposes.  This is a "heads up/Save the Date" announcement. Official notification and registration information will be provided by the event planner. Space is limited. Attendance to the conference itself will be limited to 200 registered attendees. The networking session will be open to all agencies/companies that attend the conference.

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