Monday, October 31, 2011

20 Ways For Civilians to Support & Thank Our Veterans & Military Families

1% of Americans serve in our military. Don’t just go to the mall this Veterans’ Day. Please be part of the 99% of Americans who actively give something back.

(Listed in order of least to most involved ways to participate)

1 Put out an American flag on 11/11/11.
2 Go to ( ) to see lists of organizations who support vets
3 Help wounded warriors and put the veterans back in Veterans’ Day through the Wounded Warrior Believe In Heroes” campaign ( ).
4 Say “thank you for your service” to people you know are veterans or soldiers.
5 Say “thank you” to military family members for their service as well.
6 If you’re not sure if someone is a vet, risk asking them: “Are you a veteran, ma’am/sir?” and then thanking them if they say yes. Keep in mind that some vets do not want to make a big deal about their service, to be called a “hero” or to talk at length to someone they don’t know.
7 Use social media such as Facebook/LinkedIn/Twitter to express your thanks.
8 Use social media to ask vets in your life what they need.
9 Visit a veterans’ cemetery, Arlington National Cemetery, or a Veterans’ Memorial site.
10 Visit or donate to a veterans’ museum. A wide array of museums are devoted to different populations (Special Ops/Women/Vietnam). Use a search engine to find them.
11 If you’re near DC on 11/11/11, attend the “Women Veterans Rock!” Rally at the ARC Performing Arts Theater, 1901 Mississippi Ave, @ noon ( ).
12 If you’re a season ticket holder/sports fan, donate tickets to local recruiting offices to be distributed between vets & active soldiers (to find them, pick a search engine & enter your city name, one of the Armed forces branches (ex: Army), & “recruiting office”).
13 If you love music/play music, support what other musicians are doing for our troops by joining or donating to the USO ( ). Also check out ( ), ( ), and ( ) and consider becoming an active supporter of bringing hope and support into the lives of soldiers through music.
14 If you’re an artist, support the Graffiti of War Project ( ) and the National Vietnam Veterans Art Museum in Chicago ( ).
15 If you’re a writer or want to support veterans who are sharing their stories online, read some military blogs ( ) and some poetry by vets ( ).
16 Follow and/or “Like” the Veterans Writing Project on Facebook & give them money.
17 Help veterans have their stories and service permanently honored and recorded in the Library of Congress through the Veterans History Project ( ).
18 Donate blood for injured troops ( ) and support disabled vets ( ), ( ) & ( ).
19 To help disabled vets near Fort Bragg, NC, email James Howard @
20 Help vets find a job – add job openings & opportunities at: ( ), ( ), ( ), or ( ).

Please pass these suggestions along and consider supporting these projects, organizations, & veterans after Veterans’ day has ended. Thank you.

Compiled by L.R. Goodson, Words for Warriors (
*Many thanks to all of the veterans & advocates who responded with suggestions.

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