Wednesday, September 7, 2011

VA Compensated Work Therapy

Compensated Work Therapy (CWT) is a Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) vocational rehabilitation program that endeavors to match and support work ready veterans in competitive jobs, and to consult with business and industry regarding their specific employment needs. In some locations CWT is also known as Veterans Industries; these designations are synonymous.

CWT programs strive to maintain highly responsive long term quality relationships with business and industry promoting employment opportunities for veterans with physical and mental disabilities. Many of our individual programs are accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF) and are members of the U.S. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association (USPRA). Typically CWT programs are located within VA medical centers in most large metropolitan areas and many smaller communities. Review the CWT Locations page to find site specifics.

For Veterans:

The CWT program mission is to provide realistic and meaningful vocational opportunities to veterans; encouraging successful reintegration into the community at the veterans' highest functional level. To achieve this mission CWT staff endeavor to match an individual veteran's vocational strength and area of interest to work and employment opportunities with local businesses and industry.

Incentive Therapy Progam: Incentive Therapy (IT) is a pre-employment program that provides a diversified work experience in the VA medical center for veterans who exhibit severe mental illness and/or physical impairments. IT services extend for an indefinite period of time, as is clinically appropriate, and may consist of full or part-time work at nominal remuneration. Each participant in the IT program has an individual treatment or service plan, case manager and treatment team to monitor services.

Sheltered Workshop Program: CWT operates the Sheltered Workshop (SW) program in approximately 20% of the total number of CWT locations. SW provides an opportunity for work hardening and assessment in a simulated work environment. The activity in SW is paid for on a piece rate basis and the average length of stay generally is four to six months based on the veteran's Individual Treatment Team and Service Plan.

Transitional Work Program: The Transitional Work (TW) is a pre-employment vocational assessment program that operates in the VA medical center and local community businesses. TW participants are screened by vocational rehabilitation staff, assessed and matched to a work assignment for a limited time as deemed clinically appropriate. TW work assignments are supervised by work site staff, and impose the same job expectations as are experienced by non-CWT workers in the organization or company.

Every TW participant has an Individual Treatment or Service Plan and is vocationally case managed by a VA Vocational Specialist. Each participating veteran must be referred by order from someone privileged in the VA medical center for vocational services, and may have a mental or physical impairment, including veterans who are homeless, and/or diagnosed with substance abuse or PTSD. Veterans participating in TW are not considered employees of the VA or participating company, and receive no traditional employee benefits. Payments received by participating TW veterans are tax exempt. There are no direct government entitlements that subsidize the veteran's earnings in TW programs.

Supported Employment Program:  The Supported Employment (SE) program consists of competitive employment with therapeutic supports integrated into treatment. The focus of SE is to assist veterans with psychosis and other serious mental illness gain access to meaningful competitive employment. When there is a co-occurring mental health diagnosis, limited SE services may be available on a case by case basis to veterans with spinal cord injury or traumatic brain injury. Veterans perceived to have significant barriers to competitive work are able to engage in full and part-time employment with appropriate supports and workplace accommodation. SE follow-up may continue indefinitely, but generally participation and supports are phased out after the veteran is able to maintain employment independently.

Transitional Residence Program:  The Transitional Residence (TR) program is a work-based Psychosocial Residential Rehabilitation Treatment Program offering a therapeutic residential setting for veterans involved in CWT. The TR program provides a rehabilitation-focused residential setting for veterans recovering from chronic mental illness, chemical dependency and homelessness. TR provides a bridge between hospitalization or intensive outpatient treatment and successful community reintegration. It utilizes a residential therapeutic community of peer and professional support, with a strong emphasis on increasing personal responsibility and achievement of individualized rehabilitation goals.
This program differs from other VA-operated residential bed programs in that participants contribute (using their CWT earnings) to the cost of operating and maintaining their residences and are responsible for planning, purchasing and preparing their own meals

For Employers: 

The CWT program provides a cost effective means of achieving your company's production goals of managing costs and improving service delivery, while maintaining high quality standards. CWT is a national vocational rehabilitation program that assists veterans return to competitive employment; making a living wage and building their self esteem while contribution to the community.

Using a business model, CWT program staff specialize in working with facility management, human resource, and/or production personnel to address labor force deficits.

Cost Management
1. Additional Workforce:
  • Readily available competitive, semi-skilled and skilled labor for short term and permanent assignments.
  • Veteran workers are pre-screened and matched to the specific job requirement.
  • There is little risk for the company working with the CWT transitional work program. The employer/employee relationship is non-existent, and there is no mandated obligation to hire the veteran. However, veterans typically demonstrate their value to the participating company which often results in permanent hires.
2. Reduce Overhead Costs:

  • With the CWT transitional work program there are none of the normal employee costs like health care, workers compensation insurance, vacation and sick time, FICA, and job vacancy advertising.
  • Training and employee assistance are provided at no cost to the company.
  • Comprehensive medical costs are covered by the VA.
  • Work can also be completed in one of our CWT facilities, if workshop services are provided, reducing demands on your space, utilities, inventory and time.
3. Delivery Services:

  • CWT programs with sheltered workshops and available trucking typically provide local delivery at a nominal cost.
4. Storage Solutions:

  • Many CWT programs with sheltered workshops are able to provide temporary storage solutions.
  • Where available, permanent storage can be arranged at a nominal cost.
Service Availability
The CWT veteran labor force is available to help you meet peak or unexpected workload demands.

To visit the Compensated Work Therapy homepage, click here:

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