Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Navy Credentialing Opportunities Online: A GREAT resource for a transition to a civilian career

Finding a civilian career can be daunting for a veteran. However, understanding the translation between military and civilian requirements in the professional world can make it easier to narrow your job search to industries and professions that best suit your skill set.

The Navy Career Opportunities Online (COOL) site has a great tool for helping military members learn about this translation that is specific to their backgrounds.. (Though it's Navy-specific, there is enough overlap among the various branches of the military to at least point suggest  the right direction for a career search.) The site provides information on industries, job titles, and associated civilian certificates that are most closely related to an individual's enlisted rating, collateral duty/out of rate assignment, or officer designator or collateral duty/assignment.

The search function works both ways. Enter any of the above criteria to receive a list of civilian equivalent occupations and a list of Funded Certifications (directly and skill related), Funded Licenses (directly and skill related), or Other Certifications (not directly or skill related, but possibly of interest). Also provided are associated internships via the United Services Military Apprenticeship Program (USMAP) and suggestions for continuing education opportunities.

A search can work in the other direction, as well: selecting a civilian career, certificate, or license will bring up a list of overlapping Navy ratings and collateral duties/out of rate assignments.

To visit the Navy COOL website, click here:

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