Monday, September 26, 2011

The First IAVA/U.S. Chamber of Commerce "Hiring Our Heroes Smart Job Fair" to happen Oct. 6 in San Francisco, CA

Thursday, October 6 · 12:00pm - 5:00pm


Green Room of the San Francisco War Memorial Veterans Building
401 Van Ness Avenue
San Francisco, California


Next month, Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA) is bringing our Combat to Career program to San Francisco, and we need your support to make it a huge success.

As you may have seen, TIME Magazine recently featured five IAVA member veterans on the cover, calling Iraq and Afghanistan veterans "The New Greatest Generation." (
The piece highlighted the tremendous potential ...of this generation of veteran leaders; it also underscored the huge challenges our community faces, including a 9.8 percent unemployment rate.

To directly combat veteran unemployment in the Bay Area, IAVA will partner with the US Chamber of Commerce to host an innovative Hiring Our Heroes Smart Job Fair during San Francisco's 2011 Fleet Week on October 6th, 12pm - 5pm. The job fair will be held in the Green Room of the San Francisco War Memorial Veterans Building, 401 Van Ness Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94102. We want you and your fellow vets to participate.

Veterans attend free of charge, and IAVA and the Chamber are handling outreach, screening, preparation and services (like on-site resume workshops and interview training) for the vets. This fair will be innovative (like most IAVA events). We will host committed companies well-prepared to hire vets in October and long into the future. This is not another fluffy job fair -it's about getting vets hired- and getting companies their future stars from the veterans' community.

Please spread the word to your fellow vets, and to begin your registration process to attend, please go to

Original post: via @VAPaloAlto

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