Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Disabled Veterans Business Alliance: Sept. 9 Meeting (San Diego, CA) - Learn about hundreds of millions in contract opportunities

Editors Note: New Meeting Location
ATTN: Business Editors, Writers, Columnists, Military/Armed Forces Writers
Keywords: Jobs, Opportunity, Business, Veteran, Contractor, Vendor, Disabled

               CA Network Offers Disabled Veterans Support,
                 Business Education and Contract Opportunity
WHAT: The San Diego Chapter of the non-profit Disabled Veterans Business Enterprise Alliance ( meets once a month to assist California’s disabled veterans in creating new businesses, providing free business education and training, assistance in obtaining government paperwork, certification, access to financing and an experienced mentor network.

This month brings expertise on using the Internet, social media, blogging and other techniques to business marketing as guest speaker Oscar Garcia joins veterans. Garcia is founder of OG Branding and DIY Business Blogs, visit

Contact San Diego Chapter President Eric Miller for information by calling (213) 999-1871 or email at

WHY: Hundreds of millions in contract opportunity for certified disabled California veterans.  Disabled veteran business owners and those interested in creating new companies should plan to attend.

WHEN:The SD DVB Alliance meets Friday, September 9, 2011 from 1-3 pm.

WHERE: CalTrans District 11 Office, 4050 Taylor Street, San Diego, CA 922110. Parking is free. 
DVBE Alliance at 916-446-3510.
Media contact: Rick Reed 916-704-0080

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