Saturday, August 20, 2011

Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA) Featured in Time Magazine

Join IAVA in celebrating the release of TIME's The New Greatest Generation, profiling IAVA Member Veterans as the new face of American leadership.

After almost 10 years of war, this extraordinary TIME cover story profiles Iraq and Afghanistan veterans who are defining the next generation of leadership in politics, business and social entrepreneurship.

Five IAVA Member Veterans, including Founder and Executive Director Paul Rieckhoff and Board Member Wes Moore, are featured in The New Greatest Generation by columnist Joe Klein about how young war veterans are redefining leadership at home.

IAVA Executive Director and Founder Paul Rieckhoff brought into focus the urgency of IAVA’s work on Thursday night as Member Veterans joined leaders of the veteran and civilian community at the Time Warner Center in New York City for the official unveiling of TIME magazine’s New Greatest Generation cover story. Rieckhoff praised IAVA Board Member Wes Moore, and Member Veterans Liz McNally and John Gallina — three fellow vets featured in the cover story — for their leadership, and cited them as examples of the type of talent and ingenuity veterans can bring to the private sector upon their return from service.

“This is a historic moment for IAVA and for all Iraq and Afghanistan veterans. The TIME cover story proves the potential of a powerful new generation of American leaders. The five of us are humbled to have been chosen to represent our brother and sisters in the veterans community. But we are just the tip of the spear. The “Innovation Generation” embodies the diversity, skill and energy of all 2.3 million Iraq and Afghanistan veterans. It shows the entire world that veterans are not a charity, we’re an investment. We’ve led America in combat overseas, and we’re ready to lead at home,” said IAVA Founder and Executive Director Paul Rieckhoff.

Read the article, meet the veterans, and find out more about IAVA here:

About IAVA

IAVA is the country's first and largest nonprofit, nonpartisan organization for veterans of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and has more than 200,000 Member Veterans and civilian supporters nationwide.

Our Mission & Vision:

We are a 21st Century veterans’ organization dedicated to standing with the veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan from their first day home through the rest of their lives. We strive to build an empowered generation of veterans who provide sustainable leadership for our country and their communities.

Our Impact:

The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are entering their ninth and tenth years respectively. Over 2.2 million Americans have served in Iraq or Afghanistan, and thousands have been deployed multiple times. IAVA is focused on addressing mental health injuries, a stretched VA system, inadequate health care for female veterans, and GI Bill educational benefits.

We focus our impact in four critical areas for new veterans and their families - Health, Education, Employment and Community – with a three-pronged strategy:
  • Assistance: We create, optimize and expand assistance to veterans in the areas of Health, Education, Employment and Community.
  • Awareness: We create awareness around the challenges and opportunities facing veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan.
  • Advocacy: We create and influence public policy so veterans and their families have increased access to Health, Education, Employment and Community.
In these areas, IAVA provides valuable resources and empowers veterans to connect with one another, fostering a strong and lasting community from their first day home through the rest of their lives.

Visit the IAVA website at

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