Thursday, August 4, 2011

Bridging the Gap Between Military Families & Civilians: Washington Post Conversation with USO's Rear Admiral Frank Thorp

On August 3rd, Rear Admiral Frank Thorp hosted an online forum about bridging the gap between military and civilian communities. This chat is part of The Washington Post's "The Mil Life," an ongoing chat series directed to military families that takes place every Wednesday at noon ET.

One participant's comment caught our attention:

"Several years ago, I worked at a dot com at the height of the dot com craze. We had a couple of Army reservists on staff, who were truly excellent coworkers because they did what needed to be done efficiently with a minimum of fuss and drama (which I attributed directly to their military training). Both were eventually deployed to Afghanistan and Iraq, and the rest of us certainly felt much more invested in a peaceful outcome to both situations, knowing people who were over there. (Both returned safely, I'm glad to say.) But I think this is another good example of bridging the gap between civilians and military."

To read the rest of the conversation with Rear Admiral Thorp, click here.

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