Wednesday, August 24, 2011

"Ask the Military Hiring Expert" - Open Q&A Webinars (9/5 and 9/16)

Have questions on where to find veterans to hire? Struggling to attract more veterans to your organization? Want to know if there are best practices in supporting veterans with disabilities? Want to know which Military Occupational Codes would be a good fit for your open positions?

The Value Of a Veteran offers twice-monthly opportunities to "Ask the Military Hiring Expert" all of your questions. This session is FREE, and you do need to register to attend. Go to to register.

The above is a LIVE webinar. Other pre-recorded webinars available on the site include:

It's Not About Patriotism – Why Hiring Veterans Just Makes Good Business Sense

Need motivation and direction to jump-start a military recruiting initiative? Facing a tough-sell with key stakeholders? Unsure of all the financial incentives (tax credits, etc.) and benefits available to those companies that hire veterans? Then this Webinar is for you.
What you will learn:

  • "Myths versus truths" concerning hiring veterans
  • The top business reasons to develop a veteran hiring initiative (including tax credits, compliance requirements, cost reimbursements, etc.)   
This webinar is for recruiters who are interested in pursuing military veterans as part of a larger hiring strategy but who are unsure of how to find these veterans and where to focus their time and budget in order to achieve the highest return on investment. What you will learn:
  • The timeline for a typical military transition (knowing this can keep your pipelines filled and can offer additional cost savings in terms of relocation and marketing)
  • An overview of military-specific applicant sourcing options

Hiring Veterans with Disabilities

If military veterans in general are an under-tapped resource, disabled military veterans are practically invisible to employers. Though they may have lost limbs, vision, and/or hearing, have short-term memory loss, or are disfigured, they still desire to contribute and have a lot to offer – if employers make the effort to reach out and accommodate.
  • WHY employers should include veterans and veterans with disabilities in their recruiting strategy
  • WHAT the term "service-disabled veteran" means
  • WHAT support and incentives are available to employers (government and civilian) to facilitate recruiting veterans with disabilities
  • WHERE to find concentrations of veterans with disabilities to recruit
  • HOW to attract veterans with disabilities to your company
  • HOW to change attitudinal barriers to employing veterans with disabilities


Translating the Military Resume and Interviewing Tips

Just because your HVAC business is in land-locked Tucson, Arizona doesn't mean an "Anti-Submarine Warfare Control System Level II Technician" wouldn't be a great asset to your team. Making sense of "foreign" job titles and cryptic job codes on the typical military resume is hard enough. Trying to determine a service member's transferable skills based on a 5 minute conversation at a crowded job fair is even harder.
This webinar will empower you with tools and techniques to be able to:
  • Determine the types of career fields offered through the military and how they correspond with your hiring needs
  • Realize the certification and credentialing options offered by the military
  • Understand the differences between officer and enlisted grades, including levels of responsibility and salary expectations
  • Map your hiring needs to military skill sets
  • Translate the veteran's Military Occupational Code
  • Ask great questions that will more directly help you determine the service member's transferable skills
  • Avoid a lawsuit (also known as "questions you should never ask a veteran during the hiring process")


Marketing to Attract the Military Applicant

Does your company use the same marketing materials, techniques, messages and career web pages to recruit college seniors as compared to experienced hires? Many companies have learned the value in customizing the applicant experience to attract different populations. This webinar covers things you can do to attract the military candidate to your company.
What you will learn:
  • Themes and messages to use in your materials that will resonate with military veterans
  • Updates to make to your career website that will attract the military


The Return of Veterans to Campus – The Powerful Impact of the Post 9/11 GI Bill and What Higher Education Institutions Can Do to Prepare and Reap the Benefits

Have you heard? There is a new and very generous Post 9/11 G.I. Bill that came into effect in August 2009. This bill is expected to incent a huge number of military veterans to head to college over the next few years. More than 25,000 veterans signed up for the Post 9/11 G.I. Bill within the first two weeks!  What should colleges and universities be doing now to prepare for a return of military veterans to campus in the coming years?
In this 2-part seminar you will learn:
  • The significant incentives of the new Post 9/11 G.I. Bill and why these incentives are expected to drive veterans to pursue higher education
  • The 18 "Best Practices" (policies, programs, etc.) for higher education institutions to adopt that will make your organization stand out as "veteran friendly" in the minds of transitioning service members
  • Grants and other financial incentives for putting these programs in place
  • Traditional and creative ways to market your college/university to the military community (cost, low-cost and no cost methods covered)


Avoid Being the "Starter Employer" – How To Retain Veterans After You've Hired Them

Are you experiencing a higher-than-expected turnover of your veteran employees? Or, do you already have a military hiring practice already in place, but you are losing your investment because the veterans are not staying long term? Learn how to become more than a "starter employer." Become a longer-term career opportunity.
What you will learn:
  • Common frustrations military veterans have with their first employer
  • Best practices for integrating military veterans into your organization
  • Programs and policies to support veterans serving in the National Guard and Reserves

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