Friday, June 10, 2011

Book: Veterans: Do This, Get Hired! Proven Advice for Veterans Who Need a Job

Veterans won’t get a job in THIS difficult job market by following the same old advice.

Clearly all the advice and information on the internet is not helping reduce the alarming unemployment rate for veterans. Too much of the career advice veterans are receiving is old, antiquated and simply no longer works. It’s time to try something NEW! It is time to try something PROVEN to get veterans hired in today’s challenging job market.

Veterans: Do This, Get Hired! Proven Advice for Veterans Who Need a Job  is a book and a guide to give veterans a fresh, new, different and significantly more effective way to approach getting employed. AND IT WORKS!

Buy the book for the special price of $18.38 with free shipping at

Why is it different? Why is the advice and information better and more effective that what is out there? Why does it work?

Here is why:

1. It was developed and written with the direct feedback from veterans of all four major branches of the military so it addresses all their major concerns and issues relative to them getting a job.

2. It is written by a Fortune 50 Lead Recruiter with 15 years of experience who works for one of the world’s largest military and defense contractors. And because he recruits in this market every day, this experience gives him a unique and first hand insight as to what works and what doesn’t for veterans. To put it another way…he knows what veterans need to do to get hired.

3. Senator John McCain’s son Jim McCain and Jesse Canella (both Marines) started HonorVet (a non-partisan organization to help veterans get the help they need from some of the best subject matter experts available). They approached the recruiter/author Mark Lyden to come up with a new, more effective way to help veterans get employed. They have fully endorsed the book.

4. It gives veterans what they asked for: A short, easy to read, yet comprehensive guide that provides step-by-step instructions that get results, FAST!

What is being said about the book? 

“I am a returning Iraq veteran with disabilities…The information is straight forward and easy as hell to understand. I followed his advice in chapters 2&3 to the letter. I saw immediate results on the same day I posted my resume by getting 3 requests for interviews. Mark is on- target with this information. I wish this had been around when I first ETSed.” …Matt K., U.S Army (Ret.), Panama/Iraq/Somalia 

“This is the best book I have read in the last year referencing military transitions into the civilian market. Mark said it perfectly about resumes writing, job interviews, and job fairs. Veterans: Do This Get Hired is by far the best book out there for the military transition personnel”… Dorothy Woods, U.S. Army, 23 yrs. 

“For months, my job search had become a process of trial and error. This book put the deluge of information I've found on how to search for a job in an easily understandable priority. The book is straight forward and you don't feel like you're spending your valuable time reading. I strongly recommend this book to any veteran or longtime professional. Veterans: Do This! Get Hired! Has given me a new-found confidence.”…E. Wallace, Veteran 

"If you’re a veteran you need to read this book!! Best advice for getting hired that we have ever read." Jesse Canella, Marine and CEO of HonorVet 

“I was blown away by the depth of his [the Author Mark Lyden] knowledge and solution based information is an understatement. If you are a Military Veteran or Active Duty Service Member making the transition, YOU NEED this book NOW before someone else steals your dream job.”… Mr. Todd M. Hecht, Veteran and Co-Owner and Managing Partner of Military Stars 

Those that help veteran’s transition from the military-- Whether you are part of the TAP program, a commander wanting to prepare your soldiers for the civilian work force, or just one of many of the great individual organizations or people helping veterans get employed, please consider using “Veterans: DO THIS! GET HIRED!” as a tool for you to get more vets jobs.

Mark Lyden
(941) 224-8345 or (941) 224-0465 EST
Fax (888) 415-7940

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