Thursday, February 24, 2011

Women Veterans Business BOOTCAMP 5 March 2011.


Houston City Hall
901 Bagby
Houston, TX 77002

Virtual Attendance AVAILABLE.

Contact: Director
Phone: 713-230-8926
Hosted by the Veterans Information and Resource Project.

The Women Veterans Business Center is a 501 c 3 Non-profit Organization with a mission to educate and empower Women Veterans and Military Families to START and GROW Veteran-Owned Businesses

(*The WVBC is also open to Community Partner Affiliates that desire to do business with Veterans).

BOOTCAMP EVENTS will highlight:

• The Veterans Business Act of 2010

•The NEW SBA Women Owned Small Business (WOSB) Federal Contracting Program

•Financing your Veteran-Owned Business - Meet The BANKERS

•SPEED NETWORKING for Business Success

Special Guests include:
•Houston Small Business Administration
•Business Bankers
•Free Lawyers Services for Veterans
•Veteran Business Owners/Entrepreneurs

•10am - Welcome Orientation and Veteran Business Updates and Resource Guide
•11am - SBA Women Owned Small Business Federal Contracting Program -  Ms
Valerie Coleman
•12pm - Get Your Credit RIGHT for Business" - Steve Tansey, Trinity Credit
•1pm - BANKERS PANEL - Chase Bank, Wells Fargo Bank, ACCION, 4PE MONEY and
Lawyer Representatives from Houston Volunteer Lawyers Program for Veterans
•2pm - SPEED Networking (with Veterans Resource Personnel)

- BOOTCAMP and Resource Guide - $10

- BOOTCAMP and Lunch - $25

- WVBC DONATIONs - Amounts START at $25

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