Thursday, January 13, 2011

Recap of 2010 from the Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America

Dear Lucy,

Did you hear? Iraq and Afghanistan veterans scored big last December.
For most of 2010, Washington was bogged down in partisan gridlock. But IAVA didn’t give up. We testified in front of Congress, we walked the halls of the Capitol, we pounded away in the national media and we ultimately made 2010 a historic year for new veterans.
From securing critical New GI Bill upgrades to ending the outrageous mismanagement at Arlington National Cemetery, IAVA showed all 2.2 million new vets that we’ve got their back. And that’s not all we got done. Other wins included:

• Passage of the 2011 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA)
• The repeal of “Don't Ask, Don't Tell” (DADT)
• Increased job protections for veterans working for Congress
• Passage of the Zadroga 9/11 First Responders Bill

That’s six major victories. With this momentum, we'll be introducing IAVA’s 2011 Policy Agenda during our 6th Annual Storm the Hill trip in February. Vets from across the country will travel to Washington, D.C. and tell the new Congress what matters most to Iraq and Afghanistan veterans. In the next couple of weeks, we’ll let you know how you can help us make an impact at Storm the Hill and in all the battles to come in 2011.
We couldn’t have accomplished so much without your support. With you on our side, 2011 will be another huge year for new vets.

Paul Rieckhoff
Executive Director and Founder
Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA)

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