Friday, October 29, 2010

Luke & Associates

Luke & Associates,, partners with the Department of Defense to provide civilian professionals at military bases around the globe. Luke’s core focus is in the administrative, management, medical and technical fields.

Luke employs over 1000 staff members at 60 different bases across the country.  In addition to the US, Luke employees professionals in Germany and has working contracts in England. We are looking for dedicated professionals interested in working with active duty military members, their families and the various programs that support our national security.

* Physicians
* Nurses – ASN and BSN
* Advanced Practice Professionals
* Medical Assistants
* Radiology Techs
* Lab techs
* Pharmacists
* Pharmacy Techs
* Physical Therapists
* Physical Therapy Assistants

For more information about these active positions please email Kate Bogue – Staff Specialist,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It was a pleasure speaking iwth you this afternoon and I did add my name to the distro list. Your website is supebly designed, what a great way to look for what one needs - either as an emplyer, or, in my case, as someone seeking quality employment.
I'm certain that you are already well incontact with Army Installations around the U.S., but would you mind if I sent your link to the Ft. Hood ACP Manager?. ACAP could use a site like yours to suggest to job seekers, so many highly experienced and very often degreed soldiers. when I transitioned out otf the Army in 2006, I found the sites and some of the services offered to soldirs lacking in qulaity and usefulness; yours is a gem.
No worries about replying. I realize that you are avery busy woman indeed, but once again, please accept my gratitude for pasing on my resume and the opportunity to chat with you.

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