Wednesday, October 20, 2010


First impressions set the stage for you to DISTINGUISH YOURSELF. First impressions make you stand out from the crowd and BE REMEMBERED.

1) Dress & Appearance –

1. Dress conservatively, wearing dark and neutral colors; khaki or black pants or skirt, a collared shirt with no logo, and dark, clean shoes. Neatness counts, so wear ironed, clean clothing

2. Minimize your jewelry. Any worn should be small. The person should remember YOU not your accessories

3. NO perfume or cologne

4. Clean, styled hair, no caps, head scarves, or doo rags

5. Minimal make-up, utilize natural colors a fresh, clean look

6. Clean and trim your fingernails for shaking hands. If you wear polish, wear neutral colors with no designs

7. Hide any visible body piercings or tattoos

8. Stand or sit up straight

2) Hand Shake – firm and dry

3) Eye Contact – make it, keep it

4) Smile - Have a positive, friendly attitude, show respect for EVERYONE

5) Have your resumes in a folder to keep them neat, clean and unwrinkled

6) Practice introducing yourself - name, the job you are interested in, a brief script on your abilities and skills

7) Write down what you will say when introducing yourself, then practice it by saying it over and over again so you will be prepared when you meet people at the job fair

8) Be prepared with answers for standard questions:

Tell me about yourself

Why do you want to work here?

Why should we hire you?

9) Be prepared to ask questions:

What types of jobs do you currently have open?

What are the most important skills and experiences needed?

What is the hiring process and time frame?

Who should I follow up with?

Can I have your business card or contact information?

10) Don’t overstay your welcome

Keep it brief, there are others waiting to meet with this employer, and you have other employers you need to see

Shake hands and thank them for their time and interest

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